post #4 : ˗ˏˋ technology standards ´ˎ˗

 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷    After examining the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA, I wanted to look further into standard LAFS.2.SL.2.5 for second graders. This standard suggests that students create audio recordings and visuals of various stories and poems they may come across in class. In my experience as a younger student, reading something aloud has greatly helped me when it comes to proper pronunciation of words and forming my own imagery that accurately depicts what I am reading. With the addition of new technology since I was a second-grader, I think that this could be a very interesting learning experience, and I am eager to implement creative activities like this. Having students create illustrations online can help them to make personal connections to what they are reading, whether they are aware of it or not. Audio recordings can also allow me, as a teacher, to track improvement in reading in a less confrontational way. 


    On the CPALMS website, I also looked into Language Arts standards for second graders. ELA.2.C.1.2. is a unit on fictional storytelling and compiling the elements of a well-written story into one work. I think resources could be helpful in terms of creating an outline or rubric for students, telling them what they should add to their writing and what they may be lacking. Considering the novelty of this activity, I believe that students would work best if they had several resources to look over and take inspiration from - things such as interactive stories they can read and become accustomed to, easy-to-understand presentations or videos on the steps to writing a story, and more. As a teacher, I think proper planning on my end could help me tell my students what I expect them to convey in their writing, and I could give proper assistance to those who need it.


    Being proficient when it comes to internet research is incredibly important for teachers. It is essential that we show students how to find credible sources of information, as well as utilize internet researching skills for the classroom itself. I definitely think that I will be using the methods that allow for more widespread search results (OR, AND, *). This is very useful because it can significantly narrow down results while still offering a wider range of relevant information. Internet safety, in my opinion, is also important when it comes to finding reliable information. If a person does not know how to differentiate between trustworthy and untrustworthy sources, it can lead to not only difficulty finding reliable information but also potential danger (such as viruses, hacking, etc.).


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