post #5 : ˗ˏˋ digital media in the classroom ´ˎ˗

  ˏˋ°•*⁀➷    Prior to taking this class, I did not use Twitter on a regular basis - I tend to use other forms of social media, such as Instagram. I can imagine that Twitter would be a good source of media to interact with people that a person does and does not know in real life. It is very conversation-oriented, and this can bring out the best and the worst in people. One issue with Twitter (as well as most other social media sites) is that people may express problematic opinions or perspectives behind the shield of anonymity. But that isn't to say that discourse is all bad. I think that Twitter offers several resources for educators, and there are many communities in which we can avoid arguments and instead have meaningful conversations. 


   The digital divide can affect student success in several ways. Thrusting students into a world of technology without any prior introduction or assistance can lead to some students falling behind, while those who are accustomed to these forms of learning will adapt much faster. If a student cannot understand the concept of technology to begin with, they are even less likely to be able to follow the class material. Digital divide is most likely caused by the difference in socioeconomic status from one student to another. Some families are not equipped with stable internet connection and the various devices that school may demand of them. Others may have surplus technology in their households, and they have grown up around it and therefore have a thorough understanding of their expectations at school. I think this can definitely influence the classroom dynamic, and as a teacher, I must be mindful of the differences between students and cater to each of their individual needs.


   I would definitely like to implement PowerPoint into my lessons. Presentations are easy to make, and they allow for creativity (something that I find very important, especially as an aspiring elementary school teacher). I like the idea of being able to make presentations that students can easily follow and understand, and if the students' access to technology allows it, students could make their own presentations to help their peers and demonstrate their own knowledge on a subject. I would also like to allow students to familiarize themselves with Microsoft Word, as I know that this program will be essential as they progress in their schooling. Word can be used to essays and writing assignments for students, and as we learned, it can be used in several ways by teachers as well. Even if I do not expect a lot of writing projects from younger students, I think that introducing them to this application can definitely help, especially with the digital divide.


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