post #7 : ˗ˏˋ technology in teaching ´ˎ˗

    ˏˋ°•*⁀➷    Prior to this assignment, I had never heard of teacher websites - neither my middle nor high school required teachers to keep their own webpages, so I looked into schools in Leon County that have teacher websites. I ended up finding several pages on the site for Lincoln High School, and I found it very interesting to see that each teacher has their own unique page. I would assume that prior to taking a class, students and parents can learn more about the teacher and curriculum, as well as an entire course calendar. On the website that I observed, the teacher offered several resources for students, such as quick links to the school website and gradebook, as well as pages of textbooks. I think that this is a great resource, as it ensures that every student has access to required material. All of this was accessible without a login, which I think is great, as even people who may not be too familiar with technology can simply visit the website and gather the information they need.


    When it comes to my own methods of using technology to spread information, I really enjoyed the virtual newsletter assignment - I think that a monthly summary of what we will be learning in class can be very beneficial, as parents can follow along with what their children are learning (especially since I plan on teaching younger students). If the school I work for does require teachers to make websites, I do think that this would allow me to expand on the topics discussed on the newsletter. I liked the idea of incorporating a class calendar that I can update with each month, and if I can provide resources (such as reading material) to my students, I definitely would.


   I had not realized that Canvas could be used in the way that we had for Assignment 2. I think it was very interesting, as this is the first time I had used the group feature on Canvas, and it allowed for all of us to work simultaneously without obstructing each other's work or distracting one another. I liked how we were able to format out project similarly to a website, using links to navigate from one website observation to another. It was a bit confusing at first, but I think I ended up getting the hang of it and liking it quite a bit. I am unsure if this would work as nicely in a K-12 classroom, at least in the age range that I plan on teaching (roughly second or third grade). I could, however, make a Canvas page as a teacher for parents to interact with and get information from.


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